So excited to be showing a work of art celebrating the Year of the Monkey King at Sketchpad Gallery! Be sure to stop by Saturday, August 27th between 2-6pm. RSVP and share with your friends at the Facebook Page!

This weekend was the opening show of the Miyazaki Spirit Tribute show, a special curation by the Time Beards, Craig Drake and Luke Harrington. The RSVP on the Facebook events page for the show had reached 6.4k attendees- it was quite the viral phenomenon, but was certainly a test of how that number would translate on opening day.
Opening day came and it was dumping rain- people were lined up stretching 2 whole blocks 0n the streets of Soma to get into Sketchpad gallery. It was such a humbling experience to see the excitement and support!! It was wonderful to meet the fans, hang out with the amazing artists I showed with, and soak up the Miyazaki spirit!
The show also got a beautiful write up in The Verge, where they featured my work and included in the cover art.